Alignment Not Just for Backs and Cars

I’m not going to talk about backs or cars and proper alignment. Instead, in this “Best Of” episode I’m sharing my 2016 talk with George and Mollie. They’re employees at Menlo Innovations in Ann Arbor and talk about a variety of subjects. The one that stood out to me was the importance of aligning your policies and practices with your vision and purpose.

Continue reading Alignment Not Just for Backs and Cars

Algebra for Organizational Change DxVxF>R

Don’t worry, you won’t have to dust off your math books. This equation is pretty simple to learn, though more possibly more challenging to live out day-to-day.

Continue reading Algebra for Organizational Change DxVxF>R

Empower With Change Episode 133

A Change Process that Works.

How do you handle an employee complaint about equipment, processes, policies, etc? Many organizations have a “suggestion box” program. But often times the ideas don’t go anywhere. What does this do to employee engagement?

Testing a new sausage recipe developed through BLC – mmmm

Continue reading Empower With Change Episode 133

Best of Jamie Pritscher and Change in a Family Business

Listen in to this Best Of episode as Jamie Pritscher shares how she helped to lead a family business to change to a more engaging culture.

Jamie Pritscher’s Marketing Company, Nuphoriq’s home page

Then she shares what it’s like to start a company with a focus on open book and employee engagement. Continue reading Best of Jamie Pritscher and Change in a Family Business