Algebra for Organizational Change DxVxF>R

Don’t worry, you won’t have to dust off your math books. This equation is pretty simple to learn, though more possibly more challenging to live out day-to-day.

Algebra for Bottom Line Change. DxVxF>R

Dissatisfaction x Vision x First Steps (Action Plan) > Resistance

Step 1 Compelling Reasons

Step 2 Vision

Step 3 Create a Microcosm

Step 4 Design Action Plan

Step 5 Implement

Listen in as Ari gets into the basics of Bottom Line Change.

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Until next week be inspired and intentional.

Notes taken during the editing of the podcast

Compelling reasons – must be shared. So the case must be built. Selling step.   Juicer: only 8 out of the 125 actually use the juicer, so there aren’t that many immediately impacted. Part of the job is to start selling it so you can get more input and help on building a case for change. Labor used, time wasted on maintenance, possibility of it shutting down before the busy weekend traffic, gain share lost because of labor, etc.

Also have to look out for other interested parties concerns and needs. Accountant vs bartender vs dishwasher, etc.

The whole process gets everyone involved thinking like a business leader and considering all aspects and how to create and sell an idea.

Advisory Content Experts – ACEs that help come up with intelligence that can help with the compelling reasons you may want to make the change.

Clear vision – compelling and strategically sound of what the future looks like. Clear on who is making the final decision. Sharing this with the ACEs.

Step 3 create a microcosm is a slice of organizational life. People from all over the organization that will be the first one’s you run the idea by to understand who and how to speak with the rest of the team. This may reveal some new insight.

They include customers. Especially on price changes.

This is really the communication step. Or at least the beginning of the communication step to ensure you are covering all your bases in communication.

Who needs to be told? and What’s the best way to tell them?

Step 4 – Design Action Plan to implement. What are all the things we need to do to make it happen? This is from the group of the microcosm and all the people they told you should speak with.

Step 5 –  Implement.

You still get the resistance, but this aligns with the implementation process.

When the change happens, people are asking you, “Didn’t this already happen?”