Pete Gardner, guest on the Improv Nerd Show (host Jimmy Carrane)

about finding meaning in his work. He had been thinking about his acting as kind of silly or “What am I doing here, just pretending?” And then one day he saw a few minutes of Liar, Liar on had a revelation:
“I watched Jim Carey for a couple minutes and I forgot about whatever my problems were. And I was laughing at Jim being so silly and I thought, ‘This has value.’ This isn’t just about being famous. It’s about expressing yourself. Taking the burden off of someone else for a few minutes. Giving them something to enjoy. And I know this sounds hokey, but this is truly what rocks my world. Then I started thinking, ‘what’s holding me back?”
It is hokey, but valuable. This is work that he’s supposed to do and he needs to find purpose. We all need to do this. Become mindful of what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.
What work are you doing? Is there any value in what you do? Seriously, even the most minor value is Value. – 32 minutes in. But the rest of the show is good because this is a guy finding peace in what he’s doing and also embracing the ability to always be learning as he gets older.