First session with Jeff Brown, Read to Lead podcaster. I’ve hired him to teach me podcasting. I’m excited because this will help my at my job as well as for this project.

Our first session was around the podcast’s worldview or to put it another way: when someone asks, “What is your podcast about?” I have a relatively succinct answer.
We also talked about ideal listener. Some in the business, I’m looking at you JLD, call it their Avatar.
Here’s what I submitted to Jeff as my worldview:
In the United States, according to Gallup, nearly 70% of employees are not engaged in their work. This disengagement is affecting profitability and productivity. I believe there are 3 ways businesses can improve this. One, they inspire with an clear vision. Two, they practice open-book management. Three, they intentionally build a collaborative, accountable, strength focused team.
He likes it and we’re moving on to bigger and better topics. Next up, critiquing my first episdode.