Are You Ready to be Open Book? ZingTrain Deep Dive 18


Most people have their own idea about what going Open Book means and what it takes to be an Open Book business. Willingness to share financial information. The distribution of decision making power. Better financial results. A lot of teaching. A lot of talking. Radically different notions of what it means to be a business owner/leader. A deep cultural shift.

We think they’re all right.

But we also know this. From being Open Book for over a decade, from teaching Open Book to hundreds of seminar attendees, from helping businesses and organizations all over the country to implement Open Book Management, we know this : Open book is all of those things but most of all Open Book is a way of BEING.

From the ZingTrain website

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Giving Your Employees More of a Voice – ZingTrain Deep Dive 17

The Zingerman’s community of businesses as discussed in Deep Dive 15 are led by Managing Partners (Owners) as discussed in Deep Dive 16. These Managing Partners come together at various times and will make decisions that affect the entire community of businesses. When a decision is to be made they make these by unanimous consensus. All employees are allowed to attend these meetings.

Back in September of 2014 they introduced the program to included 3 staff members in the Zingerman’s Partner Group Consensus. This is a big deal to give the employees more of a voice and to offer a different perspective to the group.

This webinar replay will get into the details of why they made the decision and how it will work. Continue reading Giving Your Employees More of a Voice – ZingTrain Deep Dive 17

Create Opportunities For Your Employees – ZingTrain’s Deep Dive 15

A struggle for many small to medium-sized businesses is that the opportunities within the company are limited. Often the owner and top management may be family. Or, simply because of the size, there’s no room at the top for more people.

One thing that Zingerman’s realized is that if they wanted to keep their top people and also give people more opportunities to expand themselves, they needed more business. The deli was only going to support so many people, realistically. They started to see that their people had passions for other areas in their industry of food service. They also were seeing some limitations in the products they were able to find that met their high standard.

To solve both problems, they started a process to allow internal team members to propose ideas for businesses they were passionate about and that could be financially successful.

The cool thing is that they were able to continue the Zingerman’s way of treating employees and customers into all the businesses that have grown from this process.

Check out this webinar replay of the ZingTrain training called, “Creating a Community of Businesses” to learn the basics. This should get you to thinking how you may adapt for your organization.

Here’s the link to the ZingTrain page. This page includes slides and samples of the items discussed like the huddles.

Click here to go to the main Deep Dive page on this site to see a listing of all the shows and their respective links to ZingTrain.

Thank you to the team at ZingTrain for giving me permission to replay their webinars. You can sign up for their email list to be notified when they are planning a new webinar.

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Oh yes, please join the community (email list) so we can start sharing ideas together.

Zingerman’s Deep Dive 14 5 Fantastic Tips To Meet Your Annual Targets

We continue the replay series of the ZingTrain webinars with, “5 Fantastic Tips To Meet Your Annual Targets”. This is information that can help for-profit, non-profits, and government entities alike.

Listen to this webinar replay to get the ZingTrain and Zingerman’s take on Open Book Management. Hopefully they’ll answer most of your questions. If you have any other questions, comment below.

Continue reading Zingerman’s Deep Dive 14 5 Fantastic Tips To Meet Your Annual Targets

Zingerman’s Deep Dive 13 Open Book Lessons Learned

We continue the replay series of the ZingTrain webinars with, Realizations, Recognitions and Re-Learnings on Open Book Management”.

Listen to this webinar replay to get the ZingTrain and Zingerman’s take on Open Book Management. Hopefully they’ll answer most of your questions. If you have any other questions, comment below.

Continue reading Zingerman’s Deep Dive 13 Open Book Lessons Learned