Algebra for Organizational Change DxVxF>R

Don’t worry, you won’t have to dust off your math books. This equation is pretty simple to learn, though more possibly more challenging to live out day-to-day.

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Empower With Change Episode 133

A Change Process that Works.

How do you handle an employee complaint about equipment, processes, policies, etc? Many organizations have a “suggestion box” program. But often times the ideas don’t go anywhere. What does this do to employee engagement?

Testing a new sausage recipe developed through BLC – mmmm

Continue reading Empower With Change Episode 133

Best of Jamie Pritscher and Change in a Family Business

Listen in to this Best Of episode as Jamie Pritscher shares how she helped to lead a family business to change to a more engaging culture.

Jamie Pritscher’s Marketing Company, Nuphoriq’s home page

Then she shares what it’s like to start a company with a focus on open book and employee engagement. Continue reading Best of Jamie Pritscher and Change in a Family Business

Best Of: Amy Emberling and the Zingerman Change Process

Playing a best of episode. This is Amy Emberling, of Zingerman’s Bakehouse. She talks many things, but one is a change process that will engage your employees.

The new book by Amy Emberling and Frank Carollo

Continue reading Best Of: Amy Emberling and the Zingerman Change Process