Business Deep Dive 03 Servant Leadership

Diving into the principles of servant leadership with the ZingTrain crew. When I think of servant leadership I think humility, and putting the organization first, the team second and the individual (myself) third. Therefore, when I will look for ways to serve those around me before I consider my needs. Continue reading Business Deep Dive 03 Servant Leadership

Business Deep Dive 02 Managing Ourselves

ZingTrain has graciously allowed me to replay their webinars on my channel. I’ve collected 16 of them into a series of deep dive business lessons. This is part two of series 1 on the broad topic of Visioning and Leadership. This gets into the specific topic of managing ourselves to be good leaders. Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.49.31 PM

I’ve found in my discussions with leaders in the area of inspired and intentional organizations, self-reflection and starting with ourselves is a big part of creating a more human culture.



The main Business Deep Dive page where you find links to the original files, slides, etc to the webinars.

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